Thursday 24 January 2013

Silent Hill Revelation

I wanted to like this. I really did. The director is a good guy, I am a fan of the Silent Hill videogame series and I enjoyed the first movie, despite it's faults.
 However, awful dialogue, a contrived plot and actors who phone in their performances does not a good film make. For the first 20 or so minutes, I stuck with it as hard as I could, "Just wait till they get to Silent Hill, the dark world is going to kick off!"
 What happens at the end of Act 1, when the protagonist does fall into that dark world? Fuck all.
The bitch walks around for 40 minutes with John Snow (who isn't the greatest actor in Game Of Thrones, anyway) until we reach one of two climaxes, yes, TWO! And when one finishes, the other one seems unnecessary. The ending feels like a cheap "The Outer Limits" knock off.
 It's not all bad, the costume design and make up effects are actually very decent, it's just spoiled by bad CGI and a lack of scope that really make you feel like you are in the world.
 I would say rent it with friends, as there is very little under the surface going on and it might be fun to have something on in the background, while you snack and chat.
 All in all, I give this film:


because, while the story wasn't interesting at all, there wasn't anything in there that made me hate it, either. I was just completely nonchalant about the whole affair.

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