Thursday 24 January 2013

Savages (Unrated)

You know what bugs me most about modern movies? They're loud, bloated, ostentatious things, that are longer than they need to be.
Such is the case with Savages: the story of a whore, a hippy and a tough guy, who, as dope dealers, land themselves into a whole heap of shit, when bigger boys come into town.
You have O, our narrator, a young lady who never stops yapping over the movie, pretty much every time a new character is introduced, (never stopping - even well into act 3.) And her two lovers, Ben the hippie, who "makes love" and tough guy (pft) Chon who -- and this made me laugh, "has wargasms."
Anyway, the long and short of it is, O gets kidnapped and held hostage, while Cheech and Chong -- sorry, Ben and Chon jump through a bunch of hoops to get her back.

The problem is, you just don't care. They rub it in your face what an easy life they have, growing and selling dope, so all they do is hang out at the beach and fuck, (while the rest of us work our hands to the bone to try and make ends meet.) O doesn't say that, but that's what I got from it.
They live such a fantasy life, that you just can't relate to them. And, really, they're fucking scumbags when you think about it.
The saturation and the blaring soundtrack make the thing seem like a cartoon, so you never really buy into the reality of it. That's fine, if that's the tone you're going for, but at least make it fun with some humor or some quirky dialogue. Maybe a few more action beats, because this movie drags itself along.

The high points of the movie for me, were whenever Benicio Del Toro was on screen. That guy is great. He comes in on his first scene, just loving what he is doing then later in the film, he's scarily baleful.
Salma Hayek is good here too and she still looks hot as hell. She plays her part well, but you could never believe she is the boss of a drug empire. That's a fault of the writing, not her performance.
John Travolta also plays a role as a corrupt DEA agent, playing both sides against each other and he does a good job, as a weasley little fuckface.

The film is well shot and there's some good stuff in here. The cinematography is gorgeous, California looks beautiful, the landscapes, the beaches -- if you're wanting a film just for the aesthetic, i would highly recommend it.
The action sequences are intense and there were a few "Holy Shit!" moments in there too.
The film would be a lot better if you chopped an hour out of it, there's no way this needs to be 2 hours 20 which is the unrated version i saw.

While the bad outweighs the good, there's still some enjoyment to be had, it just wasn't my cup of tea.


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