Sunday 3 February 2013


In a word: Shit.

It's not by any means the worst film I have ever seen, but it is certainly not up to standard, even as a bottom-shelf B rated action film.

Josh Duhamel, who, in my opinion looks too soft to be an action star, plays a young witness to a violent crime. Placed in witness protection while he testifies against the culprit (played excellently by Vincent D'onofrio), he soon beds & falls for his guardian, (No, it's not Bruce Willis, although that would make for a more interesting character dynamic.) played by Rosario Dawson. Their romance feels forced and rushed. They get 2 scenes together and suddenly they are madly and deeply in love. Bullshit.

Anyway, D'onofrio sends a hitman out to assassinate them and.... You know, I'm getting bored of describing this film. Basically, Duhamel sets out to get D'onofrio and his men before they get to him.

That's it really, just with added scenes and characters to pad it out.

Bruce Willis whispering and sighing his way through his scenes (which look like they were all shot on the same day) looking like he doesn't want to be there. The most uninteresting hitman you have ever seen in a film, Vinnie Jones as the weakest "hard man" ever. Really, Vin? You let Josh "skinny as a rake" Duhamel slam your head into a bin and you're done? Pussy. 50 cent playing, well, 50 cent. Whaddaya gonna do?

Rampage Jackson has a scene or two in this too and I actually enjoyed watching him. He's not the greatest actor, but i think he has a presence, worthy of attention.

The action scenes are flat, poorly choreographed and just plain boring to watch, which is the worst sin of a film like this. If you're going to make a film that people will watch - not for the story, not for the performances, just for a cheap, quick thrill, at least make it interesting to watch!! Give it something, breathe some life into this soulless film. Make it gory or crazy, brutal or slick.

The director of this film is a TV director and, boy you can tell. At first, I was trying to think of the good points of this film and other than D'onofrio and Rampage, there really isn't much.

I wouldn't even recommend watching this thing on Netflix (which is how I saw it.) Really, skip it. You won't miss out on anything.


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